
About Me
I’m Jann Richardson, and I have worked in career development for more than 25 years. I love working with teams and leaders; a huge part of my career has been to help people gain clarity about their role, with the ultimate aim of progression.
Leaders carry the entire team, and the weight of that role can be substantial. Across different phases in my own career as a business and operations leader, I’ve witnessed every angle of the management spectrum, from seriously brilliant to downright awful.
In 2008 I was a recruitment manager in London when the company brought in a coach for senior managers. My immediate thought was: What could a coach possibly do for me?
After a few sessions I had the answer: clarity of vision, renewed energy and bespoke strategies to realise my goals. The change in me was profound – I studied to become a coach for leadership and personal growth and now use my skills to help professionals strengthen their own teams.
We all have dreams. Mine was to take my passion for career progression and put it to good use. Whatever yours is, I can help you achieve it.
When I’m not building positivity in the workplace, I’m strolling the Suffolk coastline with my husband and Nelly the cavapoo – no place I’d rather be.
How I work
Finding a coach with whom you are comfortable is of paramount importance. We will thoroughly explore your needs to clarify expectations and goals before starting work.
The sessions will have enough time between meetings for you to put into practice everything you are learning.
When twinned with Leadership Coaching, Emotional Intelligence can bring a deeper understanding of your personal values and what makes your team tick.
Using tried and tested brain-based leadership techniques, plus 25 years of management experience, I will guide you through a clearly defined coaching process, so you can become the best version of yourself.
For leaders and teams feeling overwhelmed, under-utilised or stagnant, Leadership Coaching can help make that vital switch in direction.
To discuss coaching options or for more information, please do get in touch.