How Emotional Intelligence helps you as a Leader

This is a topic that’s themed throughout the work I do, every conversation, every meeting and every piece of work that I engage in centres around this subject. Why, because it’s what makes us successful or unsuccessful at work and in life.
Social scientists and psychologists have found that Leaders who have a high level of Emotional Intelligence (EI) seem to do much better in their roles than those of their peer group who have an average or low EI. They also found that people with a high level of EI have a greater capacity to trust and be trusted. Leaders feel healthier because they are aware of what can trigger their stress before it happens.
The best leaders don’t focus all of their attention on being liked or feared. Instead, they develop a deeper understanding of their employees and their opinions. They grasp the needs and motivations of others, calmly engaging with them under pressure..
Think about your daily interactions with employees. Then ask yourself the following questions:
Can you recognise emotions in yourself and other people and understand the basis for those emotions?
Are you able to control your emotions and apply them to tasks such as problem-solving?
Do I manage my own emotions and/or those of other people?
Can I tell when others are using my emotions to manipulate or control me?
Do I think before I speak?
Do I have a balanced view of myself?
Do I show empathy to others?
Do I give helpful & constructive feedback?
Do I know how to handle negative emotions?
Do I learn from negative feedback?
Do I acknowledge others?
Am I authentic?
Do I praise others?
Do I practice self-care?
Do I focus on what I can control?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to the questions above, you are likely have high EI. However, having high EI isn’t about manipulating emotions or putting on a front for employees. Leaders with high EI are so attuned to their emotions and those of others. At the same time, they’re able to keep their feelings in check, make well-informed decisions, show real empathy towards their teams and are incredibly resilient under pressure. All of these traits are found in many successful leaders today.
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