Avoid hibernation – Plan for next year now

Some people see hibernation as a positive thing however for some it’s a way of avoiding difficult situations. They either think if they wait long enough the issue may just go away – or they just don’t know how to address the problem so they let it continue to grow.
Don’t let your life stagnate over the winter. It’s time to get those chunky jumpers out of the wardrobe, dust your boots off and prepare to take action! Get out there, clear away the dead wood and plan for next year.
People can feel that looking after number one is selfish, Well I’m here to tell you, once and for all, if you don’t look after yourself then you cannot look after others properly. If you are not firing on all cylinders and find yourself wrestling with a lack energy and enthusiasm, then it’s time to take stock. Look at what you need to change and take action.
Do any of the following thoughts and questions ring a bell?
WORK: Am I in the right job? Why don’t I feel satisfied? Am I being taken for granted? There is no room for promotion so where do I go from here?
LIFE: I don’t know what my purpose is. I’ve lost my passion, my drive to succeed. I don’t have the energy to change things.
HOME: Why do I feel less confident in certain family situations? why is it me left to do everything? There isn’t enough time in the day to do it all.
Let’s look a little deeper. Have a think about:
- What has worked this year?
- What makes you grin like a cheshire cat?
- What makes you feel proud?
- What do you dread?
- What would it take for you to say ‘Enough is enough’!
Time to take back control of your life
Whether it’s your health, career, friendships, family relationships, money or romance that’s not sitting comfortably with you, It’s time to set some goals so you can move forward and make improvements. You don’t have to do it alone.
Don’t get stuck on the hamster wheel of life. While others hibernate, kick through the leaves and plan for next year so, by spring, you can be exactly where you need to be with your life.
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